Qualified health professionals (exercise physiologists, dietitiansphysiotherapists) with a special interest in women’s health, particularly pre and post-natal care.


A website designed to empower women through access to reliable, current and positive information in all areas of pre and post-natal health.


There is an absolute wealth of information available to the public on a multitude of topics relating to women’s health during and after pregnancy. Unfortunately, there are 2 main problems we see with what is currently out there:

  1. It’s virtually impossible to know if the information is trust-worthy. Is it written by a reliable source? Is it current? Is it based on science and fact?
  2. A lot of what is out there has an underlying message which centres around aesthetics, and creating an unrealistic ideal to aim for. Messages like “How to get your pre-baby body back in 5 easy steps!” – when in reality, a body that has had a baby, is never going to be a pre-baby body again.

The aim of Wonder Women is to create a resource which provides easy access to reliable, current and positive information across all areas of pre and post-natal health.